• At what age can my child start?

From our experience, we have found that 8 years and older is generally the youngest age when students are able to focus and learn the correct techniques. Sensei will assess kids younger than 8 and admit students at their discretion.

  • Do you accept students from other styles?

SKIA will automatically recognize your grades from approved Shotokan styles. We will just need your grading certificates to pass on to head office for confirmation.

For those styles not automatically recognized, then it is up to the discretion of the Sensei to assess and discuss with you your karate journey at Brisbane Shotokan Karate.

  • What level of fitness is required?  I don’t know if I’m fit enough to do karate. 

You don’t need a high level of fitness to start karate, because your fitness will naturally improve through a regular training regime, as long as you are prepared to challenge yourself to do better than yesterday. 

  •  I have an existing injury/medical condition - can I still do karate? 

One of the best things about karate is it's inclusive, but we also don’t want to make injuries worse. If you have an existing medical condition or injury which may affect physical activity, please seek advice from your medical professional (doctor, physio etc) prior to training, let the Sensei know, and work within your considerations. You may be asked to provide a medical certificate to confirm that strenuous activity is ok by your Doctor.

  •  How long does it take to get to a black belt?

Everyone's Karate journey is different, and a black belt is really the start of Karate-do.

Depending on the student's application to their Karate journey, it can be achieved in as little as 3 years. Typically it takes 4 to 5 years of sustained practice for this part of the journey.

  • What do I need to bring for my trial lesson? 

Towel, a bottle of water, a light jacket, and yourself. 

  •  Do I need to buy a uniform straight away?

No! Gym/exercise clothing will be appropriate until you decide to join the association and continue your journey. 

  •  Where can I buy a karate uniform? 

You can purchase a uniform, called a “do-gi” or “Karate- gi” from any martial arts shop, or Sensei can order one for you.  

  •  If I move interstate, can I transfer my membership to another SKIA dojo? 

Yes, in most cases membership can be transferred to another SKIA dojo if you relocate. Please provide as much notice as possible so that the transfer can be arranged between the instructors and the Memberships Office.  A letter (or email) of introduction from the current instructor to the new instructor called a “Shokai” may be required as part of traditional etiquette. 

One of the benefits of being a member of a national and global association such as SKIA (national), and SKIF (Intl) is that your grade is nationally and internationally registered (for black belts), therefore your grade will be transferred with you.

  •  I’m sick with the cold/flu, should I still come to training? 

No, please stay at home and rest to aid a full recovery. Training when sick will not help you get better and you risk passing on the germs to others in the dojo, and that’s not cool.

If you are recovering from COVID, please follow the isolation protocols of QLD Health. 

  •  Do I have to compete in order to grade to the next level? 

No, competing is not compulsory, however, it is encouraged, as we need to step out of our comfort zone once in a while and learn to control our nerves. Competition is not the only thing we do, but it’s an important cog in the pursuit of Karate-do. The more we do it, the more we learn about ourselves. Competing is a useful exercise in controlling one's body, mind and spirit, and executing techniques as efficiently and effectively as we can. No more, no less!

  • Why do you free trial lessons?

The trial lessons give you an opportunity to see who we are, what we do, and how we do it.  It is very important to find a Dojo that you are comfortable training in, one where you are more than just a number and one where you will be challenged to be better than you were yesterday! The trial lessons also give the Instructors an opportunity to assess what would be the best approach for your Karate Journey.
